What Happens During A Clairvoyant Reading?

Whenever you choose to consult an experienced Psychic Network reader, for spiritual guidance or insights into a particular matter, you always have a variety of options.
While many people select a psychic reader who connects to energy via tarot cards and other types of divination tools, some prefer to speak with a clairvoyant who receives visual information intuitively.
If you're curious to explore the unknown, a reader who is skilled in one or more of the most common 'clair' senses – clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing), or clairaudience (clear hearing) – can bridge the gap between the physical world and the spiritual realm, and deliver the information that you're seeking.
What is a Clairvoyant?
We all have the natural ability to 'see' flashes or visions of the past, present or future through our mind's eye, much like a daydream. If you're not convinced that you possess this psychic skill, just close your eyes for a moment and notice the random images that pop into 'view'.
A clairvoyant is a person who has a visual dominant sense and can interpret symbolic images that their spiritual guides give them when reading someone's energy. They have a keen sense of extrasensory perception (ESP), and an unexplainable ability to know or perceive things that other people cannot. As clairvoyants have the ability to see things that are hidden from view, they can help you gain knowledge and clarity when situations seem confusing or overwhelming.
What does a Clairvoyant do?
Every Psychic Network reader has unique skills, and an individual way of using them. When you consult a clairvoyant on the phone, they will connect with your spiritual guides by tuning into your energy via the vibration of your voice, as you ask your questions.
The clairvoyant may sense a presence around them, or feel a tingling sensation or coolness, before they start to receive a download of pictures in their third eye. The images of people and places that are meaningful to you may be crystal clear to some clairvoyants. Others may 'see' symbolic imagery that they will interpret for you. The specific messages that they forward should guide and help you, and also uplift your spirits.
What a Clairvoyant reading can do for you
Women and men consult clairvoyants for many different reasons. A psychic reading with a clairvoyant can help you see your situation more clearly or differently, so that you can make the best decisions for your future. The guidance offered can empower you to have confidence in your own intuition, and also motivate you to make the best choices when considering major life changes.
After bereavement, a reading with a clairvoyant can provide you with peace of mind, so that you can more comfortably navigate the natural grieving process and heal your heart. In love matters, the clairvoyance visions may offer priceless insights into what you need to do to attract a spiritually aligned romantic partner, or to achieve closure after a relationship break-up.
What to expect during a Clairvoyant reading
A psychic reading with a clairvoyant is an intriguing and exciting experience that everyone should try at least once. When a good clairvoyant tunes into your energy, they open up a two-way spiritual channel to communicate with your guides, to pass on information directly to you.
It's always important that you're able to validate the connection with your psychic reader. As the clairvoyant describes the people, places and things that they 'see' linked to your energy, ask some specific questions to 'test' the spiritual connection. Don't accept validation information, if it doesn't mean anything to you. If you feel that the clairvoyant doesn't have a genuine link, it's acceptable to terminate the reading.
It's a good idea to take notes during a clairvoyant reading. You may sometimes be told things that don't make much sense to you at the present time. But all will become clear to you days, weeks or months later.
A reading with an experienced and compassionate clairvoyant on Psychic Network will leave you feeling uplifted and empowered. However, it's important to remember that whilst it's a clairvoyant's job to pass on helpful information, it's entirely up to you to make informed decisions that solve your personal problems.