Unusual Ways To Predict The Future

Divining the future is an ancient esoteric skill that's been practiced all over the world for centuries. On Psychic Network, you'll find many gifted psychics who choose to use more commonplace divination tools, like tarot, angel, oracle and playing cards, pendulums and crystal balls to tune into spiritual energies.
If you're curious about what life has in store for you, there are countless unusual ways in which you can tap into the energy of the unknown to predict your future.
Weather forecasters are not the only people who look to the sky for valuable information. The art of aeromancy involves reading the sky by studying the clouds, precipitation, and birds in flight, to predict future outcomes.
In ancient times, those who wanted to gain knowledge about future events practiced a technique known as astragalomancy. By throwing small, carved animal bones into the air, they could determine potential outcomes based on the scattered positions of the bones on the ground.
There's a surprising amount of divination information to be gained by opening a book at a random page. The practice of biblomancy involves reading the words of the first sentence that catches your eye, when you open a book, and interpreting its meaning. Sacred books like the Bible and translated texts from different cultures and religions are most likely to reveal the most profound messages.
Whenever you're lighting candles at home to create a relaxing ambience, you have an opportunity to practice ceromancy. Studying the shapes and forms of melted wax, that has been poured or dripped into a bowl of water, can reveal your fate and destiny.
If you don't have any candles available, you can still predict the future by water divination. To practice hydromancy, simply fill a bowl, the sink or bathtub with water and read the movement and ripples, or your own reflection.
Adding small stones or droplets of oil to the water means that you're practicing lecanomancy. To gain insights about the future, you'll need to pay attention to the sound, as well as the effect, that the object or substance makes on the water.
Starting the day with an eggy breakfast gives you a chance to try your hand at oomaancy. For divination by eggs, poach an egg and examine the shape of the white albumen as it cooks to perfection.
Onychomancy is traditionally practiced on a bright summer's day. Divination by fingernails involves examining the sun's reflection on the surface of the nails, and making a prediction based on the shapes and patterns cast.
Autumn is the perfect time of the year to give phyllomancy a go. Focusing on the way in which leaves fall from the trees, and the sounds that they make, may offer valuable insights into your future.
Impress your dinner guests by fortelling the past, present and future via the close observation of cheese. Tyromancy dates all the way back to the Middle Ages and involves studying the holes, mold and other cheesy features.
Wrap up warm on a cold, blustery day, and go outside to explore the position of twigs and branches in the natural landscape. Reading fallen pieces of wood is known as xylomancy. The ancient divination method famously features in the popular Harry Potter books. Professor Trelawney teaches the art to the students of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Although it's unlikely that our gifted Psychic Network readers will use any of the above divination methods during your reading, you'll still be able to gain a great deal of spiritual insights about your past, present and future. Call or text your favourite reader today, for an empowering reveal.