Five Reasons To Talk To The Dead

Communicating with a loved one that is dearly departed can be greatly comforting for anyone who is grieving. The spirit world uses many different ways in which to communicate and tell us something important.
The psychic gifts of clairsentience (feeling/sensing) can help you sense a presence around you, while clairaudience (hearing) allows you to notice whispers softly spoken in your ear. You can talk to the dead at any time of the day, or as you slumber in a dream state. If you're not sure how to, or you feel a little uncomfortable communicating directly, you can consult an experienced Psychic Network medium who will be happy to act as your go-between.
1. Comfort & Support
When you're home alone, it can feel comforting to know that your deceased loved ones are in your presence and watching over you. You may notice subtle sensations that are similar to what you sense when someone has just walked into the room, or is standing right behind you. Look out for physical clues, like a white feather or a misplaced item in your home randomly appearing elsewhere, as these are common signs that the departed are close by.
It's also a good idea to set an intention to hear your loved one speak to you. You can converse with the dead by talking out loud, or by having a full-blown conversation in your head. As you talk to your loved one about things that are happening in your life, you may 'sense' or 'hear' a reply that offers comfort, guidance, support or insights.
2. Advice & Guidance
There are times in life when you need good advice, but you may not have someone to confide in. Talking to the dead can be greatly beneficial in helping you to find answers and solutions.
If the dearly departed is someone that you relied on for help and support, you can talk to them and ask for guidance. There's no need to end the important relationship that you have with this person just because they now reside on the Other Side. Listen out for the soft whispers, or trust your intuitive feelings that mysteriously guide you to the resources you need.
3. Honouring Events
Family events like birthdays, Christmas, engagements, weddings, graduations and the birth of children, are important celebrations that should be shared with your loved ones. After bereavement, it can be emotionally difficult to honour special moments with ceremonies, when you have someone missing in your life.
Inviting the dead to attend your family celebration can help you with the period of emotional transition. If other family members are not as open minded about communicating with the dead, you can talk privately (by communicating soul to soul) with your lost loved one, and also take comfort from feeling them around you.
4. Exploring Dreams
A nightly visitation from a deceased loved one can happen while you're in an altered state of consciousness, as it's easier for the spirit world to communicate with you during sleep. Talking to the dead in the night can help you gain valuable insights that you may not otherwise be able to tap into.
Before you go to bed, set an intention to meet up with your loved one on the Other Side in the world of dreams. If you wake up in the middle of the night, pay attention to the subtle presence that you may sense around you. Some spirits simply like to check in on you in the quiet of the night.
Keeping a dream journal on the bedside table will prompt you to write down all the details of your slumber experiences, so that you can reflect on them at a later time or date.
5. Discovering Your Psychic Gifts
We are all born with innate and unique psychic gifts that we have to rediscover and develop as we grow up into adults. Although most people chose to remain unaware of these special talents, if you're interested in developing your psychic skills talking to the dead is a great way to start.
Sit in a quiet place and relax. Close your eyes and think about your departed loved one. Visualise meeting up with them in a happy place that as a special meaning for the two of you. Tune into their energy and sense their comforting presence, as you communicate face to face.
A reading with an experienced Psychic Network reader can help you identify which of the intuitive 'clair' gifts you're blessed with – clairvoyance (seeing), claircognizance (knowing), clairaudience (hearing), clairalience (smelling), clairgustance (tasting), and clairtagency (feeling).