Positive Zen Habits To Change Your Life

The ancient philosophy of Zen dates back to the time of the Tang dynasty, and is a wellbeing practice that can benefit modern day living in a multitude of positive ways. These simple but effective lifestyle habits are rooted in mindfulness and meditation, and can help to simplify your hectic life, minimise stress, and allow you to become more Buddha-like.
Accept yourself
Before you can get comfy in the Zen zone, it's absolutely essential that you let go of constantly comparing yourself to others. Accepting yourself, and your life circumstances just as they are today, will help you let go of feelings of regret, guilt or shame, and shift you into a more balanced state of being.
When you no longer have the need to compare, your self-confidence and self-esteem can begin to bloom and inspire you to become a better version of yourself. To cultivate self-acceptance, swap negative thoughts and behaviours for positive ones that support a self-love practice.
Reinforce new habits every day by acknowledging all of the awesome little things that you do on a daily basis. To keep the momentum going, pay attention to your self-talk and minimise self-criticism. Treat yourself with the same level of respect, kindness, compassion and love that you reserve for your loved ones.
Release negative emotions
Holding on to negative emotions can keep you stuck in suffering and pain. Repressed emotions can have a detrimental impact on all areas of your life, and block you from moving forward towards happiness.
To become aware of what you're feeling, practice mindfulness. Pay attention to thoughts, triggers and emotions as you go about your day-to-day activities. Taking time out to meditate will help you focus inward so that you can identify the core personal issues that influence your self-limiting beliefs and negative behaviours.
Being resentful, and blaming other people for the things that have happened to you, is harmful to your wellbeing. To unburden yourself of negative emotions, forgive yourself and others. Let go of the past and be open to new experiences.
Keep your vibe high by doing things that you enjoy and spending time with people who lift your spirits. Avoid all forms of toxicity, including being around low vibe people and spending too much time on social media. Instantly boost your energy by reconnecting with nature, and by inviting your inner child to play, explore and have fun.
Write a new story
A Zen master lives a simple, happy and joyous life. While your humble beginnings and life to date may not currently reflect the kind of life that you long to live, they do provide valuable insights. Everything that you've experienced has helped you envisage the happy-ever-after that you're presently striving to achieve. Life's tough times and harsh lessons have taught you how to become stronger, more resilient and adaptable to change.
As a co-creator with the Universe, you have the power to manifest anything that you want. You can turn your sad, bad or boring life story into an epic and exciting new adventure simply by regularly reflecting on your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Dream big but stop chasing things – let the Universe deliver to you whatever is in perfect alignment with your more positive, higher vibration energy.
If you're not sure what you want to manifest in your new reality, it can helpful to consult an experienced Psychic Network reader who can connect with your spirit guides. They can help you identify your soul's calling and life purpose, and inspire you to write a new story for your life that is filled with love, happiness, joy and adventure.
Be single minded
The practice of mindfulness is a Zen habit that can have a hugely positive impact on your work/life balance, your relationships, your health and wellbeing.
By focusing your full attention on one thing at a time, you become more appreciative of the little things in life, and you simultaneously feel calmer and more energised. That's because you're no longer weighed down by distractions, negative and harmful ‘what if' thoughts that keep you stuck in a toxic cycle, or superficial stuff that's pointless and meaningless.
Enjoy going with the flow and experiencing the richness of life, moment to moment. Eat mindfully, exercise consciously, meditate every day, and choose happiness at every opportunity. As these positive Zen habits become an integral part of your daily activities, it won't be long before you notice that you're living life that is abundant in everything that you once longed to manifest.