Today's Free Leo Horoscope
18th January 2025
The Moon's got you thinking about boosting your bank balance, but shock jock Uranus throws crazy energy at your ambitions. Forget polite emails or saying nothing in boring meetings. Be bold, be brash and make moves that get people talking. This is your chance to turn a mundane moment into your legend-in-the-making. You have others' attention, so don't hesitate to be the leader they need.
Leo Tarot Card Reading
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Leo Tarot Credit Card Reading
0800 422 012020 minutes for £20
30 minutes for £28
60 minutes for £54
Leo Characteristics
July 23rd to August 22nd
Leo, the lion, is the fifth astrological sign of the Zodiac, originating from the constellation of Leo. Leo is considered to be a "masculine", positive (extrovert) sign. It is also considered a fire sign and is one of four fixed signs. Leo is ruled by the Sun.
Some think of Leos as being usually averaged height tall yet some short, with high cheek bones, full lips, trim athletic legs, strong physical features, well-defined appendages (hands, feet, etc.), and large, deep eyes. Leos also tend to have very soft skin and thick hair that shines in the sun. It is said they tend to keep their heads held high and look down their noses at others.
Leos are considered faithful, passionate and magnetic characters. They can also be attention seeking, bossy and argumentative.
Good traits:
Creative, passionate, generous, cheerful
Bad traits:
Arrogant, stubborn, lazy
Compatible signs:
Tarot card:
Leo Celebrities:
Madonna, Mick Jagger, Barack Obama