How You Can Make A Good Relationship Great

It's common for loved up couples to dream about having a relationship that goes the distance. A loving and intimate partnership requires on-going care, attention and devotion, if you want to ensure that it's the envy of all of your friends.
No matter whether two people have been together for a few weeks or have long lost count of the number of years, a committed union can quickly fall into a predictable pattern that blocks a good relationship from becoming great.
When a relationship becomes stale or boring, it's not unusual to wonder if you're missing out on something better elsewhere. If you're regularly consulting experienced Psychic Network readers for love advice, it may be time to put some loving magic back into your relationship, and to improve the quality of your commitment.
Make An Effort
As time rolls on in a relationship, it's easy to sink into the proverbial comfort zone that involves one or both partners not making much of an effort. If your patience, understanding, empathy or compassion is lacking, you're less likely to want to give your partner any loving attention. Perpetually lounging around like a couch potato in comfy sweatpants may also have a detrimental impact on how your partner feels about you, in the long run.
To make a good relationship great, it's essential to commit to putting in effort on a daily basis. To reignite the spark between you and your mate, think back to the start of your relationship… Make a list of the things you used to do for your partner, and how you enjoyed time together. Show your love and affection by surprising your partner with thoughtful treats that you know they will adore and appreciate. Don't expect anything in return though.
Become An Expert
When you're dating and getting to know each other, it's surprisingly easy to become an expert on your POI. In the early days of your relationship, you probably paid full-on attention to absolutely everything, including your partner's likes and dislikes, their quirky habits, family and friends, work matters, hobbies and passions.
It's never too late to update your expert knowledge, and to put what you've learned into practice to enhance a good relationship. To create lasting happy memories, spend time doing more meaningful things together. Tune into what truly resonates with the one you love, and enjoy physical and emotional experiences that build a stronger bond.
Plan Regular Date Nights
It's impossible to make a good relationship great, if you're too busy to spend quality time together. No matter how busy and hectic your life may be it's absolutely vital to make time for each other.
While the traditional dinner and a movie date night can certainly be special and romantic, it's worth being a little more creative, if you want to truly rejuvenate your relationship. Take turns devising wonderful, exciting and loving surprises to keep you both amused, entertained and delighted on your weekly date night. You don't have to spend a fortune to relive magical romantic moments all over again.
Express Feelings & Emotions
Real intimacy comes from feeling deeply connected to your partner. Family, work and lifestyle commitments can often cause a breakdown in the loving communication that keeps a good relationship harmonious and balanced.
Open your heart and don't be afraid to explore your feelings, and to express them to your partner. Sharing secrets and talking honestly about whatever is on your mind will bring you closer together.
When conflict arises, demonstrate kindness and compassion without laying blame. Defuse anger and aggression by taking a timeout break so that you both have emotional space to gather your thoughts and reflect on how to make your good relationship great again. Being open to showing vulnerability lets your partner know that it's safe to express from the heart. Issuing a genuine, heartfelt apology will have a significant and positive impact on a great relationship.
To find out how your relationship measures up, and what you can do to improve it, call one of our experienced and friendly Psychic Network readers today.