International Psychic Day – 7th August 2022

Every year on the first Sunday in August, spiritually curious, like-minded people come together to celebrate International Psychic Day. The annual event takes place over the course of an entire week, and offers everyone an opportunity to explore the mysteries of the unknown.
The Origins Of Psychic Day
Throughout time, all over the world, prophets, seers, oracles, astrologers, fortune-tellers and mystics have predicted and determined future circumstances and events. The fascination with prediction systems meant that psychics were often regarded as important advisors to kings, queens, emperors and nobility. Nowadays, it's Hollywood celebrities, politicians and entrepreneurial business owners that most frequently consult with psychics.
Modern spiritualism really took root in the UK, and USA, by the19th century. Séances and demonstrations of clairvoyance and telepathy skills captivated audiences nationwide. It wasn't long before psychic societies and communities were formed. For a time however, having an interest in anything psychic was considered taboo.
In England in 1965, a well-known press agent named Richard R. Falk was on the lookout for new and creative ways to promote the celebrity psychics that he managed. Originally planned as a PR stunt, National Psychic Day proved to be such a popular and successful event that it became an annual celebration for the spiritual community. Other nations also now host their own annual psychic events.
Today, you can easily find psychics everywhere. You can consult a psychic reader for a personal reading via phone call or text. Or sit back, relax and watch general psychic readings for the collective on YouTube. You can also visit psychic fairs and attend live psychic reading evenings all over the UK. And you can become a member of a spiritualist church.
Anyone who is open-minded, and keen to explore unique abilities and innate supernatural forces, is welcome to participate in a variety of activities that honour all things esoteric and metaphysical on International Psychic Day.
What's Your Psychic Gift?
On International Psychic Day, you can explore your spiritual gifts with a range of psychic themed activities, for all of the family to enjoy.
Everyone has an innate psychic gift that is waiting to be discovered and unleahed. As many people are unaware of their special talent, it often remains dormant throughout their lifetime. Highly sensitive and intuitive people, who are naturally curious about the unknown, are far more likely to discover that they have the ability to tap into their sixth sense (extrasensory perception/ESP). With practice, they can use psychic skills to gain access to information that other senses simply cannot reach.
You may be clairvoyant (clear seeing), clairaudient (clear hearing), clairsentient (clear feeling) or claircognizant (clear knowing). Or perhaps you have the gift of clairalience (clear smelling) or clairgustance (clear tasting)? Trying our a few psychic experiments will help you find out which specific talent you possess.
The Must-Have Psychic Kit
Developing your psychic abilities requires patience and dedication. While it's not essential to invest in an array of props and equipment, most people find that using a selection of divination tools can certainly speed up the learning process.
To celebrate International Psychic Day, you may want to purchase a deck of tarot cards, or oracle or angel cards. The cards will help you tune into spiritual energies, which can be helpful if you want to learn how to give psychic readings. You can also practice using a traditional pack of playing cards.
The pendulum is another popular tool that is often used by professional psychics. You can buy a beautiful crystal pendulum that dangles on a chain, or make your own version using a piece of string or ribbon, and a weighty object like a ring. Use the pendulum to find the answer to 'yes', 'no' and 'maybe' questions.
If you're more experienced in the spiritual arts, you may want to add a crystal ball or a set of runes to your psychic kit.
And whilst you're busy honing your craft, don't forget to take a tea or coffee break. You'll be able to practice tasseography - reading tea leaves or coffee grounds – for your friends and family.
Celebrate With A Psychic Reading
One of the most popular, and convenient, ways to celebrate International Psychic Day is to consult a psychic reader. You can do this from the comfort of your home on the phone, or via text, or in person at a psychic fair.
An experienced psychic reader will connect to your energy, to be able to communicate with your spiritual team of guides and angels, to provide the guidance that you seek. You can ask specific questions regarding your love life or career, or opt for a general reading that covers all areas of your life. If your reader has clairvoyant or mediumship skills, they may also be able to connect you with departed loved ones who want to offer words of comfort.
Keep an open mind, and prepare to be pleasantly surprised by what you learn during your psychic reading. It may just be the nudge that you need to develop your own psychic abilities, achieve spiritual empowerment, or create the life of your dreams!