How To Enjoy A Spiritual St Valentine's Day

Celebrated annually on 14 February all over the world, St Valentine's Day is a spiritual event that honours a Roman clergyman named Valentine, who supposedly performed secret weddings against the wishes of authority. He was martyred on this date, in 249.
It wasn't until the 14th and 15th centuries, that 14 February was first associated with the lovebirds of spring and romantic love. By the time that the 18th-century rolled round, couples in England were happily expressing their love for each other and exchanging handmade greetings cards and gifts of flowers and confectionery. Mass-produced Valentine's greetings really took off in the 19th century, and today the Feast day of St Valentine has become a commercialised occasion that many people avoid.
Reflecting on the origins of St Valentine's Day can inspire you to enjoy a special celebration that honours the importance of love in all kinds of human relationships, and also in a spiritual practice. If you'd like to enjoy a more spiritual Valentine's Day, here are a few ideas to get you started.
Begin a regular meditation practice
Set the intention to meditate for 5-10 minutes every day.
Find somewhere quiet and comfortable to sit. Close your eyes and take a low and slow deep breath. Exhale and repeat twice more. Focus your attention on your third eye (the space just above your eyebrows, in the centre of your forehead).
Acknowledge the thoughts that randomly wander through your mind, without paying them too much attention. Maintaining focus on your in and out breaths will help to dissipate any lingering thoughts.
Enjoy the silence and stillness
If you prefer, you can meditate with the help of a guided mediation app or podcast. You can also use soothing music and candles to create a welcoming Zen zone for your meditation practice.
Because you're cultivating a new habit, it's important to meditate daily. Once you're comfortable focusing inward for 5-10 minutes, you can gradually increase the amount of spiritual practice time that you enjoy regularly.
Reconnect with the natural world
Taking a mindful walk in the great outdoors is an excellent way to spiritually reconnect with nature. Go on a hike in the countryside, visit a local beach beauty spot, or take a meditative wander through the woods to de-stress, reenergise and rejuvenate yourself.
Take a moment to listen to your surroundings, and to observe the different species in the environment. Consciously using your senses to explore nature will enable you to make an authentic connection to all that is.
Spending time in nature will give you a greater appreciation of the natural world and mankind, and increased gratitude for the simple things in life.
Give back to your community
Foster a sense of community and goodwill by volunteering your time to a good cause. Your local community offers plenty of opportunities to help others who are less fortunate than you.
Performing random acts of kindness will help you to reflect on the virtues of empathy, compassion and connection, and make you feel good too.
Deepen relationship bonds
Write a 'thank you' letter to a special person in your life. Let your loved one know how important they are to you, and the value that they add to your spiritual journey.
Make a pledge to develop a new relationship on St Valentine's Day. Take the lead in getting to know someone new in your social circle, workplace or community.
Focus on your own happiness
Honour the importance of self-love by indulging in a day of self-care on 14 February.
Listen to your favourite music as you sip a cup of your perfect pick-me-up beverage. Express your feelings in a journal, read love poetry or a good book, or enjoy a relaxing practice, like meditation, going for a leisurely walk or soaking in a luxurious bubble bath.
It's also a lovely idea to create a special altar in your home, where you can display a collection of personal items that symbolise love. Add beautiful love vibration crystals, such as rose quartz and amethyst, a vase of fresh cut roses or seasonal blooms, scented candles and photos of your loved ones.
Consulting an experienced Psychic Network reader on St Valentine's Day can offer you valuable insights into different areas of your life, and also help you gain a better understanding your unique spiritual path.