Self-Awareness Hacks To Boost Your Psychic Abilities

Whether you're aware of it or not, you have psychic powers that you can access and use to help make your experience of life more easy, interesting, magical and fulfilling. Tapping into your innate spiritual gifts requires practice and patience. By regularly tuning into yourself, you will be able to activate your psychic abilities, and to exercise them when using your five cognitive senses in everyday situations.
To develop your unique and natural psychic abilities, it's essential that you're open to exploring otherworldly experiences. With an open mind, you'll be able to raise your self-awareness, and to unlock the many valuable psychic talents that are hidden within.
Test Your Intuition
If you don't believe that you possess any psychic abilities whatsoever, you can test yourself by playing a fun intuition game.
The next time you receive a phone call or text on your mobile phone, take a moment to guess who the caller/sender is, before you pick up the device. You could be pleasantly surprised to find that your guess was right first time!
If you decide to visit a place that you have never visited, you could practice a simple remote viewing technique. Close your eyes and set the intention to 'see' the location in your mind's eye. Explore the image in your mind in as much detail as possible.
When you open your eyes, write or draw on a piece of paper whatever you can recall. When you eventually visit the location, you'll be able to compare your drawing or notes to how the place actually looks in real life.
With practice you'll be able to easily tune into your intuition for guidance on many things, including how situations will work out, and the words or actions of others.
Meditate On The Matter
Meditation provides a gateway into inner wisdom, and connection with your Higher Self. When you sit in quiet contemplation and focus on your breath, you can journey to other realities where you instantly feel a sense of calm and peace.
Sit in a quiet space, where you won't be disturbed. Close your eyes and concentrate on the natural flow of your breathing. With each deep intake of breath, imagine your body being spiritually cleansed and filled with dazzling light white. Every out breath releases stagnancy, toxicity and negativity.
Once you're deeply relaxed, you can wallow in the blissful feeling, or connect with your HS or spiritual team of guides and angels to discover valuable insights. Tune in and ask yourself: “What is my inner voice saying?” When you first try this exercise, your mind may automatically take your attention to something you watched on TV last night. Acknowledge the thought, and let it float away…. Keep practicing.
To gain a different perspective on a situation, you can meditate and imagine getting into a glass elevator and slowly riding it to the top of an extremely tall skyscraper building. As the elevator begins its ascent, look down at the glass floor and visualise your concerns getting smaller and smaller, until they fade into the distance. Having a higher perspective makes the things that were troubling you lose their power to negatively impact on your emotions, feelings or mood.
Ask Your Spirit Guides & Angels
If you decide to communicate with your spirit guides and angels, during meditation practice, you can ask them for help with anything. You may notice that you are psychically able to see, hear, feel or sense a presence around you, when you connect with your guidance and protection team.
Try asking for a very specific sign, for validation that your request has been heard and noted. For example, if you want confirmation that you've made the right choice or decision about something, you can ask for a sign in the form of an object that means something special to you, like a peacock feather, or a sparkly trinket that catches your eye. Trust in the magic, and be open to where and how you will spot this sign.
Use A Pendulum
Pendulums are a popular divination tool that is commonly used by many professional psychics, mediums and clairvoyants. If you have a pendulum, you can use it to expand your psychic skills.
If you don't own a pendulum, you can make your own using a piece of string or ribbon, or a chain, with a small object attached to the end.
Before you start asking questions, it's important to check the “yes” and “no” response directions by hovering the pendulum over your hand or a flat surface.
Consult The Tarot
If you own a deck of tarot cards, you can shuffle and select one card in the morning, and study the symbolic imagery for clues that may help you throughout the day.
If you're not convinced that you have any psychic gifts, you can always call one of our experienced psychic tarot readers to check. Your reader will connect with your spirit guides, on your behalf, and reveal your hidden psychic talents to you.
The Power Of Dreams
Your dreams open up the doorway to the subconscious, where you can discover answers to the mysteries of life, and also witness future events.
When it's time for bed, allow your Higher Self to take charge of your psychic development while you sleep. As dreamtime is the prime time to connect with the spiritual realms, and to get downloads of information from your guides and the Universe, it's wise to set the intention to remember your dreams.
On waking up, write down everything that you can remember about your dream in a dream diary or journal. Recall as much detail as you can about the scene of your dream, the key players, what happened, how you felt etc. Over time, you may find that some of the dream scenarios become your reality.